Residing in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Carina brings a unique blend of precision and creativity to her art. A practicing Clinical Pharmacist by profession, Carina began exploring the world of watercolor in recent years. Her artistic journey is characterized by a diverse array of subjects and styles, reflecting a passion for experimentation and technique. From vibrant landscapes to intricate animal portraits. Carina’s work captures the beauty of the natural world through a versatile and evolving artistic lens.
Carina’s previous works include commissioned pieces, wedding invitations, and seating charts, customized greeting cards accompanied with handwritten calligraphy. Her exhibition at St. Clair Hospital of August 2024 marks her first gallery display.
Actively involved in her faith as an Orthodox Christian, Carina volunteers and sings in her Church, showcasing her talent as a musician and vocalist. She has been hired to sing for weddings and other local events. During her college year at the University of Pittsburgh, she was a member of the Heinz Chapel Choir and toured in China and Peru. In addition to her artistic pursuits, she cherishes spending time with her family and friends.
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